Saturday, August 13, 2022

AL Shrivastav - A Forgotten Historian & His Contributions on Medieval Indian History

AL Shrivastav - A Forgotten Historian & His Contributions on Medieval Indian History

                  (Prof. A.L Shrivastav) 


From the advent of islamic powers in the Indian subcontinent and the rise of Muhammad ghori as a general statesman and it paved the way for the muslim invasion over India so far as the glorious political history of muhammadan power in India is concerned. In the early medieval period towards 7th century A.D. the arab conquest over sindh which is marked as tragedian episode in indian soil and it gave a solid watermark career of muslim powers towards the political chaos and disintegration of  different native independent states during that period and it is successive way that became followed by the footprints of early muslim invaders which later dominated by Delhi Sultanate and The rise of Mughals in medieval Indian history which acts as the turmoil of great landmark in the annals historical events. 

Historian A.L. Shrivastav : An Overview

Prof. A.L. Shrivastav popularly known as Asirbadi Lal Shrivastav best famous for his historical writings and his great contributions makes him a special place among the historians of India. His specific field on medieval Indian history and his creative works speeks about the socio, Political and economic as well as the religious history of early medieval period. Ashirbadi Lal Srivastava, more commonly known as A.L. Srivastava, born 16 September 1899, in Andhana, Uttar Pradesh, died 12 July 1973, in Agra district, was an Indian historian specialising in medieval, early modern and modern history of India.

The works of Prof. Srivastav great deals with the rise of Sultanate era and later with the great Mughals and their dominion political status over great time is remarked as benevolent writer in that specific area. Let us discuss. 

Early Career 

Since childhood Srivastav had very ambitious and with due course of time he had a great ability and much interst on social sciences specially in the branch of history. Srivastava studied history in Lucknow where he made his Ph.D. (Doctor of philosophy) in 1932, and in Agra and Lucknow where he achieved D. litt. (Doctor in Literature). He was awarded Ph.D. from University of Lucknow and became served as first PhD holder of university in department of history. In 1943 he appointed as the Head of department of history in D.A.V college of Lahore and later on University of Punjab. 

He became famous for his well known writings in the field of medieval Indian history 
And became a member of Aisatic Society of Bengal. His writings not only gives detailed notifications on rise of sultanate power and Mughal dominations but also throw light on the cultural patterns and traditions of people in medieval Indian culture. 

Works of Prof. Srivastav and Historical importance of his writings 

The most notable works of Prof. Srivastav - 

1) The First Two Nawabs of Awadh

2) The Life and Career of Suja-ud-daulah 

3) Sher Shah Suri and His Successors 

4) The Mughal Empire (1526-1803) 

5) Akbar The Great (vol 1, 2 & 3)

6) A Short History of Administration and Policy of Akbar The Great

7) Medieval India

8) Studies in Medieval Indian History : The Political History of Delhi Sultanate 

9) Studies in Indian Art and Culture 

10) Administration and Justice in Medieval India

11) A Life and Achievement of Aurangzeb

12) Early Medieval History and Culture 

13) The Foundation of Muslim Rule in India 

14) The History of Arabs 

15) The Mughals : State and Culture 

His Placement Among Notable Writers in History 

The above great writings of Prof. Srivastav shows a vivid account of his historical value of writings and the historical objectivity clearly mentions his interest and masterclass magnificent scholar acts as speciality in medieval Indian history. He was the first historian who written an authentic works on early medieval period from the power of mummadan rule upto the dominant political power of Mughals with respect to their polity, society, economy and religious aspects of medieval era. 

So from the above facts, keeping view in mind on the basis of his writings and historical's absolutely no doubt about that he regarded as one of the most popular and notable historian on medieval field so far as his creative masterclass works are concerned. 

                              Thank You 

AL Shrivastav - A Forgotten Historian & His Contributions on Medieval Indian History

AL Shrivastav - A Forgotten Historian & His Contributions on Medieval Indian History                   ( Prof. A.L Shrivastav)  Introduc...